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Total 199 referate 1 2 [ 3] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Origin of zero

Referat Engleza

Zero’- the last major invention in the history of numbers is the result of a long and slow evolution. Unfortunately we do not have precise evidence of ‘zero origin’ and in most occasions we rely on assumptions based on Archaeology and...

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Jackie Chan

Referat Engleza

For ten years, Chan studied dance, martial arts, music, and acrobatics in an atmosphere of extreme discipline, acquiring skills that he would later adapt for his performances in films.During the early 1970s Chan worked as a stuntman and fight choreogra...

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Referat Engleza

The poem deals with legends, i.e., it was composed for entertainment and does not separate between fictional elements and real historic events, such as the raid by King Hygelac into Frisia, ca. 516. Scholars generally agree that many of the personaliti...

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Grand Canyon

Referat Engleza

Briefly summarized, the geologic history of the canyon strata is as follows. The crystallized, twisted, and contorted unstratified rocks of the inner gorge at the bottom of the canyon are granite and schist about two billion years old. Overlying these ...

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Referat Engleza

The Changing of the Guard takes place in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace at 11.30 every day in summer, every other day in winter, and lasts about 45 minutes. The New Guard marches to the Palace from Wellington Barracks with a Guards band, the Old Gu...

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Important wars

Referat Engleza

Napoleon quickly moved against the new alliance. Since 1798 he had exerted pressure on Great Britain by keeping an army concentrated at Boulogne on the English Channel, ostensibly preparing to invade England. During the dissensions leading to the outbr...

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Monetary system

Referat Engleza

The principal types of gold standard are the gold-coin standard, the standard in the United States until 1933; the gold-bullion standard consisting of a specified quantity of gold; and the gold-exchange standard, under which the currency is convertible...

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Mobile phones: a real human problem

Referat Engleza

Everyone has a mobile phone. When each of us buys a mobile phone, firstly he thinks: “I won’t have problems anymore , I will save my time thanks to a simple call that will make me know where my child is, where or with whom my husband or my ...

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Dinner with a famous person

Referat Engleza

His death came as a surprise to me because I knew him being in good health. This was not the cause of his death but drug toxicity, Mitch being known to take drugs, sometimes referring to that in some of his jokes. I have other favorite comedians too, l...

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The impact of the internet

Referat Engleza

Sometimes it is a real adventure not being sure if you have downloaded a virus or if it is only a hoax. You even cannot be sure to be alone if you are alone. Is there someone else working on my computer or is it only me? To have more security you have ...

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Referat Engleza

It’s winter! Outside is snowing. Children are very happy because outside is beautiful . Some children are making a snowmen and others are sleighing through the snow. The Christmas is coming and we are all preparing for it . The trees are charged ...

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Great people who influenced the world

Referat Engleza

He was a wonderful man, who thought creating atomic bomb will bring peace to man kind. After disaster at Hiroshima he realized he did a big mistake and fought for global peace.He also loved students and helped them to create their own way in life......

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Job satisfaction - essay

Referat Engleza

Job satisfaction is a very important attribute which is frequently measured by organisations. The most common way of measurement is use of rating scales where emloyees report the reactions to their job. Questions relate ray of pay, work responsabilitie...

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Yes or no to uniforms

Referat Engleza

A very good argument for uniforms to be introduced in schools is that it offers equal chances to all students. There are rich ones who have possibilities buying all kind of clothes and there are poor ones who do not have this advantage and so, they can...

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The Past Tense Simple

Referat Engleza

Timpul trecut se foloseste pentru a exprima actiuni incheiate in trecut. Se foloseste de obicei cu : yesterday(ieri),last week(saptamana trecuta),four days ago(acum 4 zile)......

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Referat Engleza

The climate of Australia varies greatly from region to region, with a tropical climate in the north, an arid or semiarid climate in much of the interior, and a temperate climate in the south. Despite these variations, the moderating influence of the su...

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The Statue of Liberty

Referat Engleza

The French made this gift in memory of the help which France gave the Americans during the war of Independence against the English. The great statue was designed by the French sculptor,Frederic Bartholday and it took ten years to complete.The statue is...

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Referat Engleza

According to the theory of plate tectonics, the crust of the Earth’s surface is made up of vast continental and oceanic plates. These are in constant motion, rubbing and pushing against one another, moving only small amounts each year. The Eurasi...

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The Macroeconomic Indicators

Referat Engleza

To know these indicators, not only through their notional, theoretical aura, but through the evolution, the motion of the economic life, is very useful, because measuring the results of economic activities, it helps us to make a general opinion concern...

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Music therapy

Referat Engleza

A number of adherents of Music Therapy are growing every year. Music is used to fight stress conditions and to cure stress related disorders (neurosis, psychosomatic disorders). Application of music in such cases is justified by the fact that music has...

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Referate de nota 10


Referat Engleza

The Marriage of the Virgin (1504) by Raphael demonstrates the full understanding of linear perspective that had developed by the High Renaissance. R...

A mini holiday in Iasi

Referat Engleza

The next two days we to a fair, Lizi had bought a box for Simona and her, and I bought a bracelet for me and some surprise gifts for my parents. The...

My best friend

Referat Engleza

Friendship is not only one big thing it`s a millions little things.The essence consists in trust. Anyway,my best friend is my best friend, nobody ca...

Sarcastic Quotes

Referat Engleza

If you're too open-minded, your brains will fall out. Don't worry about what people think, they don't do it very often. Going to church doesn't ma...

The adventures of Hukleberry Finn by Mark Twain

Referat Engleza

Huck escapes from the lonely cabin in which his drunken, brutal father had imprisoned him. On Jackson's island he meets Jim, a runaway slave. Togeth...

Becul lui Edison

Referat Engleza

Al VIII-lea deceniu constituie epoca iluminatului electric. Dezvoltarea oraselor, aparitia blocurilor si cladirilor masive, a corpurilor de fabrici ...

World War 1 and 2,Cold War in the USA

Referat Engleza

World War I broke out in Europe in the summer of 1914. The war set Germany and Austria-Hungary (the Central Powers) against the United Kingdom, Fran...

Weather Forecast

Referat Engleza

In Irland the weather will be calm and sunny tomorrow. The temperatures will grow until the afternoon, when they can reach 5-6 degrees in the south ...

Spatiu si timp

Referat Engleza

Prima parte a teoriei relativitatii, formulata de Einstein, relativitatea speciala, se refera la sistemele neaccelerate si are imense implicatii fil...


Referat Engleza

The Changing of the Guard takes place in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace at 11.30 every day in summer, every other day in winter, and lasts about...

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