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Total 199 referate 1 [ 2] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The history of valentines day

Referat Engleza

Under the rule of Emperor Claudius II Rome was involved in many bloody and unpopular campaigns. Claudius the Cruel was having a difficult time getting soldiers to join his military leagues. He believed that the reason was that roman men did not want to...

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Referat Engleza

The Coasian pricing problem is more likely to arise when monopolist bottleneck market is situated upstream. From the consumer or total welfare perspective it is preferable to put the more competitive sector downstream and let consumers deal directly to...

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The fiction one is in - Notes on the Late Twentieth Century British Novel

Referat Engleza

Despite the various ways in which the accomodating form of the novel has been stretched and twisted by ambitious technical innovators, despite the stunning diversity of texts on which the label ‘novel’ has been slapped, despite the great va...

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The man and the internet

Referat Engleza

The man and the internet.Thanks to the Internet there is almost nothing that can not be made chair comfortable home, from visiting shops of all kinds, paying bills, the research work and documentation for various papers and even keeping in touch with f...

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The internet

Referat Engleza

Reduce costs. Another spectacular aspect offered by the Internet: cut costs, particularly costs for the communication and those handling information and data. It is known that can be substantially reduced prices for telephone, fax through a judicious u...

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The Romanian Citizenship

Referat Engleza

The person that was once Romanian citizen but lost the Romanian citizenship by residing abroad will obtain Romanian citizenship by repatriation. In the matter of the repatriated person’s minor child the law stipulates the parents decide for the m...

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Promovare vanzari

Referat Engleza

TotuÅŸi, este periculos ca reclama să cedeze întâietatea promovării vânzărilor.Atunci când, în cazul unei anumite mărci, se practică pentru o perioadă prea îndelungată preÅ£uri promoÅ£ionale...

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About globalization

Referat Engleza

According to a report, written yearly, while more people in its client countries are healthier, better fed and more educated than ever before, progress is uneven among countries, and much more needs to be done. Increasing its development effectiveness ...

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Banks and Banking

Referat Engleza

Another way in which a bank could create claims against itself was by issuing bank notes. The amount depended on the banker’s judgement of the possible demand for specie. The first bank notes issued in Europe were by the Bank of Stockholm in 1661...

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Roman Architecture

Referat Engleza

The huge buildings with arches were first thought by the Romans. For example the Romania athenaeum has big columned and arches in front. The Romans first invented aqueducts and we still use aqueducts today. Romans had a system of under floor heating, w...

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Artificial Intelligence

Referat Engleza

Given these problems, critics contend that human thinking seems to be functionally different than digital or serial programming. The other school of strong AI is connectionism which contends that cognition is distributed across a number of neural nets,...

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Greed - compunere in limba engleza

Referat Engleza

And suddenly he raised up… he finally got an idea. he didn’t wait a minute and went back to the village …. When he got back in his right hand he had an ax(topor). While he was bringing down the magic willow , the tree started to cry...

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Termeni economici definiti in limba engleza

Referat Engleza

Country risk=risk that economic or political changes in a foreign country will cause delays in loan repayments; it is broader then country risk as it takes in to account the probability of debt repayment by private borrowers as well as central govermen...

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The Traditional Cuisine

Referat Engleza

Hospitable and filled with empathy, the peasants of Maramures invite the stranger in their house animated by the thought that “having travelled so much, the visitor must be hungry”, but this is done also in order to facilitate a cultural in...

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Strategies in the contest between lawyer and witness

Referat Engleza

Strategies in the contest between lawyer and witness The witnesses’ testimonies can either make or break the case being presented. Testimony is not the only type of evidence – documents, photographs and many other kinds of proof are equally ...

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My bugs life

Referat Engleza

This horrible change impacted my entire life. My connection with family friendship has been interrupted to silence. I wasn’t accepted any longer by my family. They rejected me. My only true friend is God. Only God is beside me and has never forsa...

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Titanic - Story of love

Referat Engleza

Rose manages to free Jack with a fire axe, and finds that the third-class passengers are trapped below decks. Frustrated, Jack breaks through a gate, allowing Rose and others to make their way to the boat deck. Cal and Jack, though enemies, both want R...

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The telephones parents

Referat Engleza

He died on August 2, 1922, at Baddeck, where the Canadian government maintains a museum containing many of his original inventions. Morse Code, International, system of signals employed in radiotelegraphy in the land-telegraph systems of all countries ...

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Green house effects

Referat Engleza

--Dr. Stephen Schneider, National Center for Atmospheric Research Nasty Surprises: Some of the ways that Earth may respond to global warming could be gradual; others could be rapid. By continuing to add greenhouse gases to the air, we may be surprised ...

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English and everything you need to know

Referat Engleza

English is a West Germanic language that developed from Old English, the language of the Anglo-Saxons. English, having its major roots in Germanic languages, derives most of its grammar from Old English, although a Celtic substrate influence has also b...

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Total 199 referate 1 [ 2] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Referate de nota 10

The history of valentines day

Referat Engleza

Under the rule of Emperor Claudius II Rome was involved in many bloody and unpopular campaigns. Claudius the Cruel was having a difficult time getti...


Referat Engleza

It’s winter! Outside is snowing. Children are very happy because outside is beautiful . Some children are making a snowmen and others are slei...

Rock music

Referat Engleza

Towards the end of the 60s a new group appeared, whose ideas started in California, in the U.S.A. The Hippies preached a philosophy of peace and lov...

Symbol of europe

Referat Engleza

The well-known conductor Herbert von Karajan was asked to write three instrumental arrangements - for solo piano, for wind instruments and for symph...

About UFO

Referat Engleza

Farmer Maurice Masse had a similar experience, in Valensole village. He was on the field at 6:30, preparing to start his tractor, when he heard a st...


Referat Engleza

The first rehearsals and spectacles have taken place on improvised scenes, with translated texts from Russian, with naive subjects, sententious, the...


Referat Engleza

This Egyptian wall painting is dated at the 6th dynasty, about 2330 B.C.. Prior to this discovery it was widely believed that reflexology had ancien...

The Devil’s Disciple

Referat Engleza

George Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin in a family belonging to the Irish Protestant gentry. Apart from the musical education he received from his m...

Julius Caesar by Shakespeare

Referat Engleza

"Julius Caesar" is one of the most important creations of William Shakespeare, the king of English dramatists. The play was made in a moment of Engl...

Healthy life - bacalaureat

Referat Engleza

To reach the level where one can consider as a healthy person,one should create the balance in his/her life,practice a correct alimentation,have tim...

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