Total 199 referate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [ 9] 10
The fundamental characteristic of Argentina is the enormous contrast
between the immense eastern plains and the imposing mountain range of
the Andes to the west. This is the frontier with Chile and has the
highest peak in the west, the Aconcagua, 6 959...
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The name Mary Celeste has become synonymous with concepts like "The
ghost ship from Scooby Doo," but it endures as a true and tragic tale
of the sea. The story begins on Nov. 4, 1872, with a friendly dinner
engagement between old friends Captain Moreho...
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To reach the level where one can consider as a healthy person,one
should create the balance in his/her life,practice a correct
alimentation,have time for oneself,combine fun with obligation,keep fit
by practicing sport......
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Al VIII-lea deceniu constituie epoca iluminatului electric. Dezvoltarea
oraselor, aparitia blocurilor si cladirilor masive, a corpurilor de
fabrici si uzine cera imperios un nou izvor de lumina, mai puternica,
mai vie, care sa poata fi distribuita in n...
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A complete, authoritative account of Shakespeare’s life is lacking;
much supposition surrounds relatively few facts. His day of birth is
traditionally held to be April 23; it is known he was baptized on April
26, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, War...
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In 1598, Francis Meres described Shakespeare as "the most excellent in
both sides - comedy and tragedy". His comedies are unsurpassed for the
marvellous harmony they establish among so many apparently discordant
elements. His tragedies, rightly interpr...
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A Shepherd Boy tended his master`s Sheep near a dark forest not far
from the village. Soon he found life in the pasture very dull. All he
could do to amuse himself was to talk to his dog or play on his
shepherd`s pipe. One day as he sat watching the sh...
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Like all the other Populists, Caesar had used the people of Rome on his
way to power. He was not alone in this.By his time, the citizens of
Rome had evolved into a proletariat which subsisted on electoral
bribery, feast, triumphs and above all the free...
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Pyramid (architecture), ceremonial structures used as tombs or temples
that were built by the people of certain ancient civilization, notably
the ancient Egyptians, the Aztecs, and the Maya, and certain other
ancient peoples of the northern Andean regi...
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The Moon, of course, has been known since prehistoric times. It is the
second brightest object in the sky after the Sun . As the Moon orbits
around the Earth once per month, the angle between the Earth, the Moon
and the Sun changes; we see this as the ...
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Gaining experience is very useful exercise and often is quite funny.
It’s not a bad idea to work several different kinds of jobs before
choosing your favorite or better to say more suitable for you. People
said ‘All in good time’ and ...
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As time passed by these soap operas began to become very fashionable in
Romania too as more and more TV stations started broadcasting such kind
of films. Therefore the numbers of the people who are watching them is
constantly rising and especially the ...
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Valentine's Day started in the time of the Roman Empire. In ancient
Rome, February 14th was a holiday to honor Juno. Juno was the Queen of
the Roman Gods and Goddesses. The Romans also knew her as the Goddess
of women and marriage. The following day, F...
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The territory now part of the United States has been inhabited for from
15,000 to 40,000 years, as attested by local evidence. The aboriginal
peoples, ancestral to today's American Indians, left no firm monuments
on the scale of contemporaneous culture...
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Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres...
With these words, Caesar begins the Bellum Gallicum, his own account of
the Gallic Wars. The books of this unique work, which were written at
the end of each year, were sent to the Senate in Rome, probably as
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Another major form of energy is nuclear energy, the energy that is
trapped inside each atom. One of the laws of the universe is that
matter and energy can't be created nor destroyed. But they can be
changed in form. Matter can be changed into energy. T...
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George Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin in a family belonging to the
Irish Protestant gentry. Apart from the musical education he received
from his mother, he was practically self-educated. At the age of 20 he
went to London and set to work as a novelis...
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During his conquest of Gaul, Caesar had seen to it that his part of the
Gallic loot was wisely spent in preserving and fortifying his position
in Rome. His Populist acts as Praetor and Consul had severely alienated
the middle group of senators and he n...
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Huck escapes from the lonely cabin in which his drunken, brutal father
had imprisoned him. On Jackson's island he meets Jim, a runaway slave.
Together they float down the Mississippi River on a raft, occasionally
stopping at the banks. In these brief e...
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Reading Hardy's novels one can easily recognise the Greek writers view
on man: a being born to endure that which was to befall him. The
English writer conceived almost all his heroes as variants of certain
types, without endowing them with too much inn...
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Total 199 referate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [ 9] 10
Trimite referat |
Referate de nota 10 |
The tragedy of Julius Caesar
In 1598, Francis Meres described Shakespeare as "the most excellent in
both sides - comedy and tragedy". His comedies are unsurpassed for the
Evolution of Music
The same will apply to music in the future: a song you write may
involve so many contributions and meta-contributions that to claim
exclusive rights...
Biografia lui Eminem
Eminem subsequently made high profile appearances on Rawkus Records'
Soundbombing Volume 2 compilation and Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott's Da
Real Wor...
A Sea faring Mystery
The name Mary Celeste has become synonymous with concepts like "The
ghost ship from Scooby Doo," but it endures as a true and tragic tale
of the sea...
The poem deals with legends, i.e., it was composed for entertainment
and does not separate between fictional elements and real historic
events, such...
Mcdonald`s corporation
The menu was limited to nine items: hamburgers, cheeseburgers, three
types of soft drinks, milk, coffee, potato chips, and pies. French
fries and mi...
Titanic - Story of love
Rose manages to free Jack with a fire axe, and finds that the
third-class passengers are trapped below decks. Frustrated, Jack breaks
through a gate...
The Changing of the Guard takes place in the forecourt of Buckingham
Palace at 11.30 every day in summer, every other day in winter, and
lasts about...
A study on the detective story
So, taking as key concepts some ideas: "adventure", "challenge",
"reasoning", "meeting danger from the safe position of the reader",
"being finally ...
Philosophy of non-violence
These notes - which will stretch over several issues of [Nonviolence
Web Upfront], and take the place of the usual "Op Ed" pieces - are an
effort to...